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Our Vision

Welcome to Heaven on Earth!  The Monticello Mansion Estate that you see here is a special anointed place for the Glory of God.  Acquired in 2021 by Hilltop Christian Fellowship, Steve Byers has dedicated the property to the Lord.  And not to be shy about it:  The Lord Jesus Christ, there is no lord greater than Him.  Steve parlays his heart for Revival and Blessings of God upon Hilltop Christian Fellowship and the mission it has on hand. 

2024: An expanded vision has unfolded at Hilltop Christian Fellowship in 2023 and continued for 2024 in a strong way.   The ministering hearts at Hilltop have had a very effective outreach to people in need after Hurricane Idalia.  When a hurricane hit a home sometimes it takes more than a case of water to get people back on their feet.  People often do not have anywhere to turn when there house has been destroyed or swept away.  Hilltop has partnered with people in the Federal and State level to provide support and restoration for families; parents, children and extended brothers and sisters in Christ.   The hearts at Hilltop have provided mentoring programs for people to grow and develop with the heart of Christ.  In 2024 you will see that we have expanded our Sunday church time  to included a special youth gathering and lessons.  We are expanding our influence for the co-ordination of a music worship events on the property as well.  God shows up when we Worship.  may the area hear a ROAR in '24.  a Roar of worship and victory sounding far and wide.

2023: Its time.  Its REVIVAL TIME!  in December 2022 the leaders met, we invited the Holy Spirit and planned out the 2023 year.  A renewed commitment of the entire property for outreach.   To attract and bring others to the love of Jesus Christ.  a Christian safeplace, retreats, restorations a camp of Christian fellowship and community.

February update.  God has honored our dedication of this property to Him.  Revival broke out, starting in Ashbury University Tennessee,  then spreading in the US and now across the world.  Hearing about this through God's word of mouth.  I got the call.  Its started!   We have two services now at the property.  Cowboy Church at the Barn and Traditional Fellowship service at the Mansion.  Wednesday night Prayer Meeting 7 to 8pm.

2022: The Vision reveals the building of an amphitheater venue,  at the base of a hillside as a natural setting for outdoor concerts and community events.  The hillside will be setup with audiovisual systems and support systems for events from Christian movie night to all-out Christian festivals.   The property has space allocated for camping and RV parking, event purposed facilities for multiday festivals, community and revival events.  Our vision is to be God-centered, whether for a fellowship church service or a nationwide attraction with internationally known speakers.   God is on the move and let there be no restrictions. For the participants, serving or receiving, to be blessed by the power of God is the purpose and vision of Hilltop Christian Fellowship.    Steve and his team are graciously chosen by God to create and construct and preserve an environment to share and impart the POWER of the Holy Spirit.  Power to restore lives, restore souls, Restore Hope, restore JOY!  People who come to Hilltop Christian fellowship will leave with God’ presence in their heart.  It’s not about religion it’s about a personal relationship with the God that loves you.   Just like the Brownsville revival extended throughout the country so to, with God’s shepherding, will this place become known.  A Revival is at hand.  Get ready Monticello, here it comes!

Join us in this vision and purpose. May your funds come back to you 10 fold! Plant a financial seed and watch it happen. Send us an email on how God blesses you after releasing a seed into the Hilltop Vision.

Be Blessed in Jesus Name!

Your tax deductible donation of any amount is sent via the secure interface.  Donate with a Credit/Debit Card or Bank Account #.

Our Vision

Welcome to Heaven on Earth!  The Monticello Mansion Estate that you see here is a special anointed place for the Glory of God.  Acquired in 2021 by Hilltop Christian Fellowship, Steve Byers has dedicated the property to the Lord.  And not to be shy about it:  The Lord Jesus Christ, there is no lord greater than Him.  Steve parlays his heart for Revival and Blessings of God upon Hilltop Christian Fellowship and the mission it has on hand. 

2024: An expanded vision has unfolded at Hilltop Christian Fellowship in 2023 and continued for 2024 in a strong way.   The ministering hearts at Hilltop have had a very effective outreach to people in need after Hurricane Idalia.  When a hurricane hit a home sometimes it takes more than a case of water to get people back on their feet.  People often do not have anywhere to turn when there house has been destroyed or swept away.  Hilltop has partnered with people in the Federal and State level to provide support and restoration for families; parents, children and extended brothers and sisters in Christ.   The hearts at Hilltop have provided mentoring programs for people to grow and develop with the heart of Christ.  In 2024 you will see that we have expanded our Sunday church time  to included a special youth gathering and lessons.  We are expanding our influence for the co-ordination of a music worship events on the property as well.  God shows up when we Worship.  may the area hear a ROAR in '24.  a Roar of worship and victory sounding far and wide.

2023: Its time.  Its REVIVAL TIME!  in December 2022 the leaders met, we invited the Holy Spirit and planned out the 2023 year.  A renewed commitment of the entire property for outreach.   To attract and bring others to the love of Jesus Christ.  a Christian safeplace, retreats, restorations a camp of Christian fellowship and community.

February update.  God has honored our dedication of this property to Him.  Revival broke out, starting in Ashbury University Tennessee,  then spreading in the US and now across the world.  Hearing about this through God's word of mouth.  I got the call.  Its started!   We have two services now at the property.  Cowboy Church at the Barn and Traditional Fellowship service at the Mansion.  Wednesday night Prayer Meeting 7 to 8pm.

2022: The Vision reveals the building of an amphitheater venue,  at the base of a hillside as a natural setting for outdoor concerts and community events.  The hillside will be setup with audiovisual systems and support systems for events from Christian movie night to all-out Christian festivals.   The property has space allocated for camping and RV parking, event purposed facilities for multiday festivals, community and revival events.  Our vision is to be God-centered, whether for a fellowship church service or a nationwide attraction with internationally known speakers.   God is on the move and let there be no restrictions. For the participants, serving or receiving, to be blessed by the power of God is the purpose and vision of Hilltop Christian Fellowship.    Steve and his team are graciously chosen by God to create and construct and preserve an environment to share and impart the POWER of the Holy Spirit.  Power to restore lives, restore souls, Restore Hope, restore JOY!  People who come to Hilltop Christian fellowship will leave with God’ presence in their heart.  It’s not about religion it’s about a personal relationship with the God that loves you.   Just like the Brownsville revival extended throughout the country so to, with God’s shepherding, will this place become known.  A Revival is at hand.  Get ready Monticello, here it comes!

Join us in this vision and purpose. May your funds come back to you 10 fold! Plant a financial seed and watch it happen. Send us an email on how God blesses you after releasing a seed into the Hilltop Vision.

Be Blessed in Jesus Name!

Your tax deductible donation of any amount is sent via the secure interface.  Donate with a Credit/Debit Card or Bank Account #.

The Property

The 114 Acre estate and mansion began construction about 2006, suffered through a real estate down turn and sold  as an incomplete project in 2011. From 2012 to 2018 The Estate was groomed to include the fields, ponds, fencing and the equestrian facilities that it now has.  In 2020 Steve Byers and his family put the estate under contract and closed on it in August of 2021.     It all started when an a horse guy that Steve met 12 years prior dialed a wrong number in July 2020.  That wrong number turned into a rekindled friendship and introduction to Carl Bowling, the then owner, of the 114 acre estate.   Steve and Carl hit it off right away.  Carl has never met a stranger and their friendship developed about the common love for Christ; with non-stop sharing of the life blessing God has given them.   Steve had it on his heart to purchase his great grandfather’s farm earlier in the year of 2020 but the door kept closing on that effort.  God had a better plan.  A wrong number and a new friendship later Carl invited Steve to visit the 114 acres.    So then, on the end of the summer Motorhome trip Steve and his family stopped in a for a few nights.  God’s doors opened and the confirmations of the Holy Spirit began and have never stopped.  The setting truly is an anointed place for people to take in the beauty of God’s creation and what Jesus might have been hinting at when he said: “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”   This place was prepared, and is for the Glory to God.

The Property

The 114 Acre estate and mansion began construction about 2006, suffered through a real estate down turn and sold  as an incomplete project in 2011. From 2012 to 2018 The Estate was groomed to include the fields, ponds, fencing and the equestrian facilities that it now has.  In 2020 Steve Byers and his family put the estate under contract and closed on it in August of 2021.     It all started when an a horse guy that Steve met 12 years prior dialed a wrong number in July 2020.  That wrong number turned into a rekindled friendship and introduction to Carl Bowling, the then owner, of the 114 acre estate.   Steve and Carl hit it off right away.  Carl has never met a stranger and their friendship developed about the common love for Christ; with non-stop sharing of the life blessing God has given them.   Steve had it on his heart to purchase his great grandfather’s farm earlier in the year of 2020 but the door kept closing on that effort.  God had a better plan.  A wrong number and a new friendship later Carl invited Steve to visit the 114 acres.    So then, on the end of the summer Motorhome trip Steve and his family stopped in a for a few nights.  God’s doors opened and the confirmations of the Holy Spirit began and have never stopped.  The setting truly is an anointed place for people to take in the beauty of God’s creation and what Jesus might have been hinting at when he said: “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”   This place was prepared, and is for the Glory to God.

Our People

Steve Byers

Having asked Jesus into my heart at age 8 to avoid going to hell I was ruined for sin.   My younger life was a game of spiritual hide and go seek and sometimes all out dodge ball.   A close high school friend and college roommate, who probably knew me best, asked me why I didn’t just become a pastor.   Well that reality has chased me down and that will someday be a good autobiography.   Today, I see my life as a tapestry being woven together for his glory.  Glory be to God for the desire, fire, drive, and enthusiasm he has put in my life to see revival; to see worship; to see lives renewed, and loved on by Jesus and his gift of the Holy Spirit.   Having been positioned with stewardship over a beautiful and anointed 114 acre equine estate, I desire to use it for blessing others; for blessing the Lord.  I have been captured by a move a God and now I want to bless others with a move of God.  It’s Revival Time!

Pamela Williams

Reverend, Pamela Williams has recently accepted the call to pastor at Hilltop Christian Fellowship as of January 2022.

Pamela’s servitude in various ministries such as Intercessory Prayer, Pulpit Aide, Sunday School Teacher, Finance Team, Evangelism and Prison Ministry, has prepared her to follow God leading at Hilltop Christian Fellowship .  Originally from Blakely, Georgia, The bedrock of Pamela’s faith was cemented through various icons of the faith throughout Georgia, culminating at Arms of Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Blakely, GA, where she received an ordination as a Reverend in 2005. Pamela now resides in Tallahassee 2010. Pamela is also honored as an Elder of Love at Faith Community Church of Tallahassee.  Pamela still enjoys a covering at Faith Community under her beloved Pastor Samuel Lamar Simmons.  Family and community church friends have influenced Pamela from her days as a student to her present occupation as a community development professional.  In addition, Pamela is the mother of eight children, seven sons and one daughter from the ages of 20 to 32; with nineteen grandchildren.  Pamela’s prolific life continues here at Hilltop as she multiplies her spiritual sons and daughters through God’s Love and mentoring Spirit.

Furthermore, Pamela’s accolades continue, as an industrious working woman of God. Pamela’s professional career has been more than just a job, it has been ministry—one she pursues with gladness and great purpose.  From Grant Specialist in the Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health for Department of Children and Family Services to Sunday Pastor leading services at Hilltop Christian Fellowship Pamela contributes by pulling from her experiences as the CEO/Founder of Daughters of Zion Transitional Ministry since 2001. Pamela also facilitates Life Skill Courses as well as biblical studies in the School of Christ at Gadsden Correctional Institute, Gretna, FL and Pulaski State Prison in Hawkinsville GA. She is currently writing a three step program to implement into the Federal and State Correctional Facilities entitled, “Repentance, Restoration, and Reunification.”

Mark Bedillion

Mark is the former director of the New Life Clinics.  Also as the founder of the Christian Recovery Network, his life is dedicated to helping those who suffer from the ravages of this world.  Mark also directed a treatment facility in Western Pennsylvania which focus on treating the whole person- mind body and spirit.  Mark’s personal journey from years of worldly struggles to running organizations helping the overwhelmed, Mark gives Hilltop Christian Fellowship a depth of understanding and ability to minister to souls in the darkest places.  Mark’s incredible journey is documented in his Autobiography “Psychiatric Survivor”. A great witness to those who might think there is no hope.

Psychiatric Survivor – Amazon ->

Our Sponsors

We welcome sponsors who can contribute to our vision.
If you would like to be added to our sponsors list,
contact us and let’s align our missions.

Lord Almighty

In plain words, Lord Almighty stands by the side of fellow Christian ministries, in our case Hilltop Christian Fellowship, offering financial support to enable us to continue their vital work in the service of the Lord and to broaden our impact.

National Center for Life and Liberty

Hilltop is grateful for the support we receive from the NCLL which serves to protect and defend the Bible-based values upon which our nation was founded:

church liberties, parental liberties, individual liberties, and issues of life.

America’s Founding Fathers gave their lives and fortunes to protect the life and liberty of American citizens—but this struggle is not limited to only one generation. NCLL must accept the challenge to fight for our God-given rights and pass them on to our children and grandchildren.



Noigiler (religion spelled backwards) advocates for smaller ministries around the globe that generally do not have the means to reach a bigger community of support.

This is a foundation to link the means with the need.

Holy Smoke, Inc.

Gerald Stevens (founder of Holy Smoke) known for skywriting in south and central Florida.  Putting up messages at 10,000 feet, 7 miles long with letters 3/4 a mile high.

People look up and WATCH a message unfold and that message is often JESUS LOVES U.  Holy Smoke might soon be seen again over the Monticello hilltops, beckoning people to check out all that Hilltop Christian Fellowship has to offer on the grounds of The Monticello Mansion.

Get In Touch



Phone: 1-412-401-5025


Hilltop Christian Fellowship
4741 Ashville Highway
Monticello, Florida 32344